ARM - Install

ARM Processor Installation

The zip will also contain a README file that will contain some useful information on the installation process.

  1. Go to the Inductive Automation website at

  2. Select Download > Current Release.

  3. On the Ignition Downloads page, scroll down to the ARM section of the zip files.

  4. Download the file using the download link.
    Note: Depending on your computer, you may need to run all the commands as root. Prefix everything with sudo or first run sudo su.

  5. Download and install Java 8 if it is not already installed. Go to

  6. Unzip the Ignition download file and install Ignition into /usr/local/ignition by running the following command:

    unzip <<>> -d /usr/local/ignition

    where <<>> is the path to the Ignition ARM distribution you downloaded.

  7. Change directories to the Ignition install directory.

    cd /usr/local/ignition

  8. Make the files executable by executing the following three chmod commands:

    chmod +x
    chmod +x ignition-gateway
    chmod +x

  9. To start Ignition now, type

    ./ start

You can now open a web browser and go to the Gateway home page at http://localhost:8088.

Stop and Start Ignition

After installation, you can start and stop Ignition with the following commands:

./ start
./ stop

Uninstalling Ignition on Linux

Before you uninstall Ignition...

Be sure to back up your Gateway and unactivate your Gateway license.

There is no uninstaller when Ignition is installed through the zip file, so the Ignition files and folders need to be manually removed.

/etc/init.d/ignition stop
*Ubuntu only* update-rc.d -f ignition remove 
rm /etc/init.d/ignition 
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ignition 
*Recommended* mv /var/lib/ignition/data /var/lib/ignition/data_<current date
*Recommended* mv /var/lib/ignition/user-lib /var/lib/ignition/user_lib_<current date
*Recommended* mv /etc/ignition /etc/ignition_<current date
rm -rf /var/log/ignition

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