
Performs an HTTP PUT to the given URL. Encodes the given dictionary of parameters using "applications/x-www-form-urlencoded" format.

Syntax httpPut(url, [contentType], putData, [connectTimeout], [readTimeout], [username], [password], [headerValues], [bypassCertValidation])

  • Parameters

String url - The URL to put to.

String contentType - [Optional] The MIME type used in the HTTP 'Content-type' header.

String putData - The raw data to put via HTTP.

Int connectTimeout - [Optional] The timeout for connecting to the URL in millis. Default is 10,000

Int readTimeout - [Optional] The read timeout for the operation in millis. Default is 60,000.

String username - [Optional] If specified, the call will attempt to authenticate with basic HTTP authentication.

String password - [Optional] The password used for basic HTTP authentication, if the username parameter is also present.

PyDictionary headerValues - [Optional] A dictionary of name/value pairs that will be set in the HTTP header.

Boolean bypassCertValidation - [Optional] If the target address in an HTTPS address, and this parameter is TRUE, the system will bypass all SSL certificate validation. This is not recommended, though is sometimes necessary for self-signed certificates.

  • Returns

String - The content returned for the PUT operation.

  • Scope


Syntax httpPut(url, putParams)

  • Parameters

String url - The URL to send the request to.

PyDictionary putParams - A dictionary of name/value key pairs to use as the put data.

  • Returns

String - The content returned for the PUT operation.

  • Scope


Code Examples

There are no examples for this function.