

Returns a dataset of information about a single database connection, as specified by the name argument.


system.db. getConnectionInfo( name )

  • Parameters

String name - The name of the database connection to find information about.

  • Returns

Dataset - A dataset containing information about the named database connection, or an empty dataset if the connection wasn't found.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#This example checks the database connection type and selects a query format that matches.
connectionInfo = system.db.getConnectionInfo()
dbType = connectionInfo.getValueAt(0, "DBType")
if dbType == "MYSQL":
# mysql format for a column with a space in the name
query = "SELECT `amps value` FROM pumps"
# mssql format for a column with a space in the name
query = "SELECT [amps value] FROM pumps"