

Reads raw values from the OPC-HDA server.


system.opchda. readRaw(serverName, itemIds, startDate, endDate, maxValues, boundingValues )

  • Parameters

String serverName - The name of the defined OPC-HDA server to read.

List itemIds - A list of item ids to read.

Object startDate - The starting date/time of the query.

Object endDate - The ending date/time of the query.

int maxValues - The maximum number of values to return. 0 or less means unlimited.

Boolean boundingValues - A boolean indicating whether or not the "bounding values" should be included in the result set. The bounding values provide a value exactly at the start and end dates, but may be resource-intensive to retrieve.

  • Returns

ReadResults[] - A list of read results which is one-to-one with the item IDs passed in. The ReadResult object has a 'serviceResult' quality property that indicates whether the call was successful, and is itself a list of QualifiedValues.

  • Scope


Code Examples

There are no examples for this function.