

Writes a value directly through an OPC server connection. Will return an OPC-UA status code object. You can quickly check if the write succeeded by calling isGood() on the return value from this function.


system.opc. writeValue( opcServer, itemPath, value )

  • Parameters

String opcServer - The name of the OPC server connection in which the item resides.

String itemPath - The item path, or address, to write to.

Object value - The value to write to the OPC item.

  • Returns

Quality - The status of the write. Use returnValue.isGood() to check if the write succeeded.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
server = "Ignition OPC-UA Server"
path = "[SLCSim]_Meta:N7/N7:0"
oldQualifiedValue = system.opc.readValue(server, path)
newValue = oldQualifiedValue.getValue() + 1
returnQuality = system.opc.writeValue(server, path, newValue)
if returnQuality.isGood():
print "Write was successful"
print "Write failed"