

Checks if an OPC server connection is enabled or disabled.


system.opc. isServerEnabled( serverName )

  • Parameters

String serverName - The name of an OPC server connection.

  • Returns

boolean - True if the connection is enabled, false if the connection is disabled

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#The following will iterate through all configured OPC servers, and check if they are enabled or disabled
#This code interacts in the client scope, so it should be placed on a component, such as a Button.
#Retrieve a list of all servers in the gateway
allServers = system.opc.getServers()
#Initialize a message. The example will append the state of each server to this message.
#The "\n" at the end of the string adds a new line
message = "Server Status:\n"
#Iterate through each server.
for server in allServers:
#for each server, append the server name, a colon, the state of the server, and a new line.
#isServerEnabled returns a boolean, but may use the string format specifier (%s)
message += "%s : %s \n" % (server, system.opc.isServerEnabled(server))
#Show the state of the servers in a message box.