

Converts a dataset stored in a CSV formatted string to a dataset that can be immediately assignable to a dataset property in your project. Usually this is used in conjunction with system.file.readFileAsString when reading in a CSV file that was exported using system.dataset.toCSV . The CSV string must be formatted in a specific way:

"Col 1","Col 2","Col 3"
"44","Test Row 2","1.8713151369491254"
"86","Test Row 3","97.4913421614675"
"0","Test Row 8","20.39722542161364"
"78","Test Row 9","34.57127071614745"
"20","Test Row 10","76.41114659745085"
"21","Test Row 13","13.880548366871926"

The first line must be "#NAMES"

The second line must list the names of the columns of the datset, each in quotes and separated by commas

The third line must be "#TYPES"

The fourth line must list the type of each column of the dataset in order

Integer = "I"

String = "str"

Double = "D"

Date = "date"

Long = "L"

Short = "S"

Float = "F"

Boolean = "B"

The fifth line must be "#ROWS" followed by a comma and then the number of rows of data in quotes (i.e. "#ROWS", "6")

The following lines will be your data, each column value surrounded in quotes and separated by a comma; each row on a separate line. The number of rows must match what was specified on line 5


system.dataset. fromCSV( csv )

  • Parameters

String csv - A string holding a CSV dataset.

  • Returns

Dataset - A new dataset.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#In this example it is assumed that the CSV file being read was a dataset that was previously exported using system.dataset.toCSV:
#Specify file path
file_path = "C:\\my_dataset.csv"
#Read in the file as a string
data_string = system.file.readFileAsString(file_path)
#Convert the string to a dataset and store in a variable
data = system.dataset.fromCSV(data_string)
#Assign the dataset to a table
event.source.parent.getComponent('Table').data = data