

Sends a SMS message


system.twilio.sendSms (accountName, fromNumber, toNumber, message )

  • Parameters

String accountName - The Twilio account to send the SMS from

String fromNumber- The outbound phone number belonging to the Twilio account to use

String toNumber - The phone number of the recipient

String message - The body of the SMS

  • Returns


  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#Send a SMS message.
#Fetch the Twilio account name
#getAccounts() returns a list, so the "[0]" operator is refering to the first item in the list
account = system.twilio.getAccounts()[0]
#Fetch the number associated with the account
fromNumber = system.twilio.getPhoneNumbers(account)
#Fetch a specific user's contact information
#A static value is used below, but system.user.getUser() could be used to retrieved a user's phone number
toNumber = "+19165550101"
#Define the text message
#A static message is used below, but multiple messages could be stored in a database table and retrieved here
textMessage = "This is the body of a text message"
#Send the message
system.twilio.sendSms(account, fromNumber, toNumber, textMessage)