

Allows for invoking system.gui functions on a specific desktop.

See the Multi-Monitor Clients page for more details.


system.gui.desktop(handle )

  • Parameters

String handle - The handle for the desktop to use. The screen index cast as a string may be used instead of the handle. If omitted, this will default to the Primary Desktop. Alternatively, the handle "primary" can be used to refer to the Primary Desktop.

  • Returns

WindowUtilities - A copy of system.gui that will be relative to the desktop named by the given handle.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#The following example will make a message box appear on the Primary Desktop,
#regardless of where the script originates from.
system.gui.desktop().messageBox("This will appear on the Primary Desktop")
Code Snippet
#Retrieves a list of open windows in a specific Desktop. This example assumes a desktop with the handle "2nd Desktop" exists.
name = "2nd Desktop"
#Returns a tuple of open windows in the Desktop named "2nd Desktop"
windows = system.gui.desktop(name).getOpenedWindows()
#Converts the tuple to a string, and shows the items in a message box