

Retrieves the list of users in a specific user source. The "User" objects that are returned contain all of the information about that user, except for the user's password.


system.user. getUsers( userSource )

  • Parameters

String userSource - The name of the user source to find the users in.

  • Returns

List - A List of User objects.

  • Scope


User Object

You can access most of the basic user properties via a call to "get" or "getOrDefault" which returns a default value if the requested item is not present. For example:


...will return that user's schedule, or the value of "Always" if no schedule has been set as that is the default schedule. The following are the various values you may use in this manner:

  • user.Username

  • user.FirstName

  • user.LastName

  • user.Notes

  • user.Schedule

  • user.Language

In addition to these properties, the user object has other methods on it to retrieve more information:

  • user.getId() - returns the internal identifier object that the backing user source needs to identify this user

  • user.getRoles() - returns a sequence of strings representing the roles that this user belongs to

  • user.getContactInfo() - returns a sequence of ContactInfo objects. Each of these objects will have a contactType and valueproperty representing the contact information, both strings.

  • user.getScheduleAdjustments() - returns a sequence of ScheduleAdjustment objects. Each of these objects will have two date properties, "start" and "end", a boolean property, "available", and a string property called "note".

  • user.getPath() - returns a QualifiedPath object that represents this user in a deterministic manner.

Code Examples
Code Snippet
#This example will print the first and last name of all users, using the default datasource:
users = system.user.getUsers("")
for user in users:
print user.get(user.FirstName) + " " + user.get(user.LastName)