
This function returns a List of Gateway Network servers that are visible from the local Gateway.

Syntax getRemoteServers([runningOnly])

  • Parameters

Boolean runningOnly- [Optional] If set to True, only servers on the Gateway Network that are running will be returned. Servers that have lost contact with the Gateway Network will be filtered out.

  • Returns

String[] - A List of Strings representing Gateway Network server ids.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#The following will create a list of running servers on the Gateway Network, and show the list in a message box.
#Collect the list of running servers
runningServers =
#initialize the start of the message
serverStatusText = "The following servers are running:\n "
#add each running server to the message
for server in runningServers:
serverStatusText += "%s \n" % server
#Show the message