

Formats the contents of a dataset as an HTML page, returning the results as a string. Uses the <table> element to create a data table page.


system.dataset.dataSetToHTML(showHeaders, dataset, title)

  • Parameters

boolean showHeaders - If true(1), the HTML table will include a header row.

Dataset dataset - The dataset to export

String title - The title for the HTML page.

  • Returns

String - The HTML page as a string.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#This snippet would run a SQL query against a database, and turn the results into a string containing HTML. It then writes the string to a file on the local hard drive.
results = system.db.runQuery("SELECT * FROM example1 LIMIT 100")
results = system.dataset.toDataSet(results)
html = system.dataset.dataSetToHTML(1, results, "Production Report")
filePath = "C:\\output\\results.html"
system.file.writeFile(filePath, html)