SCADA Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a process control system that is used in countless number of applications, including manufacturing, communications, distribution (water, gas, power) and heating, cooling and security in buildings. A SCADA system collects data from sensors in local and remote locations and sends them to central computers to control local machinery.

SCADA systems range from simple configurations to large and complex projects. Most SCADA systems use HMI (human-machine interface) software that allows users to interact with and control the machines and devices that the HMI is connected to such as valves, pumps, motors, and much more.

SCADA software receives its information from RTUs (Remote Terminal Units) or PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) which can receive their information from sensors or manually inputted values. From here, the data can be used to effectively monitor, collect and analyze data, which can potentially reduce waste and improve efficiency resulting in savings of both time and money.

Ignition is a SCADA software solution


Scalable Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

Is a buzzword that refers to how well a hardware or software system can adapt to increased demands. For example, a scalable network system is one that can start with just a few nodes but can easily expand to thousands of nodes. Scalability is a very important feature because it means that you can invest in a system with confidence you won't outgrow it. - webopedia

Scripting Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)


  • Script,

  • Programming,

  • Coding

Scripting is writing code to complete a specific task. In Ignition, scripting means using Python in the event based system. Almost everything in Ignition supports scripting by right-clicking the object in the designer and selecting the "Scripting..." option. Scripting and Expression bindings are sometimes confused, but have completely different functions. Scripting is used to create complex logic, while an Expression binding is a single command that evaluates to a single value.

SDK Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)


  • Software Development Kit

A Software Development Kit is a tool set that allows your to write code to add functionality to existing software. In Ignition, the SDK allows you to create whole new modules. These modules can include new scripting functions, components, and much more. You for more information about Ignition's SDK, see our Ignition SDK Programmer's Guide.

Serial Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)


  • Serial Device

A communication type that many older PLCs and other devices use. They have a specific cable (ie: RS232) that must attach the device to a computer to allow communications.

Server Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

A server is a computer stored somewhere (either on-site or in the cloud) that is intended to run non-stop for as long as possible and be available to other computers on the network. These are usually special computers that are much more powerful than a common desktop computer. Often referred to as a "Server Class" machine. These computers will hold the main Ignition installation, a database, and ERP system, or anything else that needs to be available at all times.

Server Software Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

Is software that resides in a server and provides services to multiple users on the network. Contrast with client software that resides in a user’s desktop or laptop computer. - PC Magazine Encyclopedia

Setpoint Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)


  • SP

A setpoint is a single value that represents the target for another part of the process. This could be an ideal temperature, fan speed, etc. that the PLC is trying to match.

Siemens Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

Siemens is a company that makes many things, but in Ignition we are commonly referring to their PLCs. Their devices are used around the world and have names like S7-1500. Ignition has a modules that has drivers for several types of these PLCs.

SIP Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a communications protocol. It is most commonly used for voice and video calls through the internet. Ignition requires a SIP connection when using the Voice module to dial out to users when alarms activate.

SMS Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

SMS stands for Short Message Service. This is the protocol that is used by text messaging systems. In Ignition, SMS referrs to the SMS Notification Module, which gives to the ability to connect to an SMS device and send text messages in response to alarms through Alarm Notification Pipelines.

SOAP Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a way for web services to communicate. It uses HTTP and XML to transfer information.

SPC Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a system by which one can sample and inspect the output of a process to determine if one needs to adjust the process to bring the items or goods into an acceptable quality standard. SPC packages analyze the collected data using statistical math procedures and can present results with various types of graphs. SPC works along side Quality Control, but is an analysis tool for existing samples.

SQL Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

Structured Query Language (SQL), pronounced as sequel or S-Q-L, is a query language used for accessing and modifying information in a database. Some common SQL commands include insert, update, and delete. The language was first created by IBM in 1975 and was called SEQUEL for "Structured English Query Language." Since then, it has undergone a number of changes, many coming from Oracle products.

Today, SQL is commonly used for Web database development and management. Though SQL is now considered to be a standard language, there are still a number of variations of it, such as mSQL and mySQL. -TechTerms


SELECT Firstname FROM Contacts WHERE Lastname = 'Smith'
INSERT INTO Contacts VALUES ('Joe', 'Smith')
UPDATE Contacts SET Lastname = 'Howard' WHERE ID = 1
DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE Lastname = 'Smith'

Store and Forward Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

Store and Forward refers to a system in Ignition that allows it to store data accurately in a database even if communications are not constant. It stores data locally on the computer that Ignition is installed on and forwards it to the database when a connection is valid.

SUDS Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

SUDS is surprisingly not an acronym, but it's the name of a lightweight SOAP client (web services) for Python. It is common to use the SUDS libraries in Ignition because it uses Python.

SVG Created Sep 28, 2016 (22:28)

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files. -Wikipedia

SVGs can be used in Ignition by simply dragging them onto an open window in the designer.