

Returns an integer that represents a bit field containing information about the currently running system. Each bit corresponds to a public bitmask as defined below. See the examples for tips on how to extract the information in this bit field are in the examples. Note that the tag [System]Client/System/SystemFlags contains the same value.

  • system.util.DESIGNER_FLAG . Set if running in the Designer. (1)

  • system.util.PREVIEW_FLAG . Set if running in the Designer, and the Designer is in preview mode. (2)

  • system.util.CLIENT_FLAG . Set if running as a Client. (4)

  • system.util.WEBSTART_FLAG . Set if running as a Client in Web Start mode. (8)

  • system.util.APPLET_FLAG . Set if running as a Client in Applet mode. (16)

  • system.util.FULLSCREEN_FLAG . Set if running as a Client in full-screen mode. (32)

  • system.util.SSL_FLAG . Set if communication to the Gateway is encrypted with SSL. (64)

  • system.util.MOBILE_FLAG . Set if currently running a mobile-launched client. (128)

  • system.util.STAGING_FLAG . Set if running a staging client. (256)


system.util. getSystemFlags()

  • Parameters


  • Returns

int - The system flags integer.

  • Scope


Code Examples

There are no examples associated with this scripting function.