

Checks to see if a file or folder at a given path exists.


system.file. fileExists( filepath )

  • Parameters

String filepath - The path of the file or folder to check.

  • Returns

boolean - True (1) if the file/folder exists, false (0) otherwise.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#This basic example shows how the fileExists function is used in its simplest form:
if system.file.fileExists("C:\\temp_file.txt"):
system.gui.messageBox("Yes, the file exists")
system.gui.messageBox("No, it doesn't exist")
Code Snippet
#This code uses the fileExists function, along with other system.file.* functions, to prompt the user to confirm that they want to overwrite an existing file.
filename = system.file.saveFile(name)
if filename != None:
reallyWrite = 1
if system.file.fileExists(filename):
overwriteMessage = "File '%s' already exists. Overwrite?"
reallyWrite = system.gui.confirm(overwriteMessage % filename)
if reallyWrite:
system.file.writeFile(filename, "This will be the contents of my new file")