

Exports the contents of a dataset to an HTML page. Prompts the user to save the file to disk.


system.dataset. exportHTML( filename, showHeaders, dataset, title )

  • Parameters

String filename - A suggested filename to save as.

boolean showHeaders - If true (1), the HTML table will include a header row.

Dataset dataset - The dataset to export.

String title - The title for the HTML page.

  • Returns

String - The path to the saved file, or None if the action was canceled by the user.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#This snippet would prompt the user to save the data currently displayed in a Table component to an HTML file, and would open the file in the default web browser after a successful save.
table = event.source.parent.getComponent("Table")
filePath = system.dataset.exportHTML("data.html", 1,, "Production Report")
if filePath != None:"file://"+filePath)