

Returns a PyDataSet holding information about all of the sessions (logged-in users) on the Gateway. Optional regular-expression based filters can be provided to filter the username or the username and the project returned.

The PyDataSet returned has these columns:

  • username (String)

  • project (String)

  • address (String)

  • isDesigner (Boolean)

  • clientId (String)

  • creationTime (Date)

Note that this function will not return all sessions across a cluster - only the cluster node that is being communicated with by the client who makes the call.


system.util. getSessionInfo( [usernameFilter] [, projectFilter] )

  • Parameters

String usernameFilter - A regular-expression based filter string to restrict the list by username. [optional]

String projectFilter - A regular-expression based filter string to restrict the list by project [optional]

  • Returns

PyDataSet - A dataset representing the Gateway's current sessions.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
# This code would get the entire table of sessions and put it in an adjacent table
table = event.source.parent.getComponent("Table")
sessions = system.util.getSessionInfo() = system.db.toDataSet(sessions)
Code Snippet
# This code would count the number of times a user named "billy" is logged in
sessions = system.util.getSessionInfo("billy")
system.gui.messageBox("Billy has %d sessions" % len(sessions))
Code Snippet
# This code would return session info on all users starting with the letters "bi"
sessions = system.util.getSessionInfo("bi.*")
Code Snippet
# This code uses a single character wildcard in the username
sessions = system.util.getSessionInfo("")
Code Snippet
# This code would return session info on a user named "bill.smith"
sessions = system.util.getSessionInfo("bill\.smith")