

Reads processed values from the OPC-HDA server. Processed values are calculated values, based on the aggregate function requested for each item. The list of aggregates can be obtained by calling system.opchda.getAggregates().


system.opchda. readProcessed(serverName, itemIds, startDate, endDate, resampleIntervalMS, aggregates )

  • Parameters

String serverName - The name of the defined OPC-HDA server to read.

List itemIds - A list of item ids to read.

Object startDate - The starting date/time of the query.

Object endDate - The ending date/time of the query.

int resampleIntervalMS - The interval, in milliseconds, that each value should cover.

List aggregates - A list which should be one-toone with the item ids requested, specifying the integer id of the aggregation function to use. The aggregation ids are defined in the OPC-HDA specification. The list of aggregates can also be obtained by calling system.opchda.getAggregates() .

  • Returns

ReadResults[] - A list of read results which is one-to-one with the item IDs passed in. The ReadResult object has a 'serviceResult' quality property that indicates whether the call was successful, and is itself a list of QualifiedValues.

  • Scope


Code Examples

There are no examples for this function.