

Reads the specified attributes for the given item over a time range. Attributes and their IDs are defined in the OPC-HDA specification, and can be discovered by calling system.opchda.getAttributes().


system.opchda. readAttributes(serverName, itemId, attributeIds, startDate, endDate )

  • Parameters

String serverName - The name of the defined OPC-HDA server to read.

String itemId - The itemID to retrieve attributes for.

String attributeIds - The integer IDs of the attributes to read. The attribute ids are defined in the OPC-HDA specification. The attributes can also be obtained by calling system.opchda.getAttributes(). Some servers may not support all attributes.

String startDate - The starting date/time of the query.

String endDate - The ending date/time of the query.

  • Returns

ReadResults[] - A list of read results which is one-to-one with the requested attributes. The ReadResult object has a 'serviceResult' quality property that indicates whether the call was successful, and is itself a list of QualifiedValues.

  • Scope


Code Examples

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