Scheduling Basics

Schedules Table

The Schedules Table allows a report to have a list of scheduled times and actions that will happen at those times. A single report can have multiple scheduled times and actions configured, allowing it to be saved with different parameters, at different times, and with different actions.

To create a new entry, simply click the + button on the right of the table. This will create a new row of the table. To remove any rows, simply select the row in the table and click the delete button to the right.

Schedule Tab

The schedule tab is where the scheduled time is set. It has some common schedules in a dropdown, but it uses a UNIX crontab format to setup a schedule. For more information on the UNIX crontab scheduling, see the Gateway Setup section.

To set a schedule, first select a row in the Schedules Table. The schedules will then become editable, and a schedule can be specified.

Parameter Tab

The parameter tab is where parameters can be passed in to the report. Each parameter will be listed, and they can either be set to their default parameter value by selecting the checkbox, or can be customized by deselecting the checkbox and specifying a parameter value to pass in at the time the scheduled action executes.

Action Tab

This tab allows you to determine what action is selected after the report is generated. See Scheduling Actions for details.

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