

Returns a sorted array of tags from a specific folder.


system.tag.browseTagsSimple(parentPath, sort)

  • Parameters

String parentPath - The parent folder path. Leave blank for the root folder. Note: you can specify the tag provider name in square brackets at the beginning of the parentPath string. Example: "[myTagProvider]MyTagsFolder". If the tag provider name is left off then the project default provider will be used.

String sort - Sets the sort order, possible values are ASC and DESC.

  • Returns

BrowseTag[] - An array of BrowseTag. BrowseTag has the following variables: name, path, fullPath, type, dataType, and the following functions: isFolder(), isUDT(), isOPC(), isMemory(), isExpression(), isQuery().

  • Scope


If called in the gateway scope, a tag provider must be specified.

Code Examples

The following script will print out the names of all tags and the tag type:

Code Snippet
tags = system.tag.browseTagsSimple("", "ASC")
for tag in tags:
print "Name:",, "\tType:", tag.dataType