

Issues a freeze command on the given analog outputs at the given time for the specified duration.


system.dnp3.freezeAnalogsAtTime(deviceName, absoluteTime, intervalTime, [Indexes])

  • Parameters

String deviceName - The name of the DNP3 device driver.

Integer absoluteTime - The absolute time at which to freeze, in millis.

Integer intervalTime - The interval at which to periodically freeze, in millis.

List indexes - An optional list of specific indexes on which to issue the freeze command.

  • Returns


  • Scope


Code Examples
# This example shows a request to freeze analog inputs at indexes 2 and 4,
# 5 minutes from the current time, with no interval.
from time import *
fiveMikes = (60 * 1000 * 5) + int(time() * 1000) #ms
system.dnp3.freezeAnalogsAtTime("Dnp3", fiveMikes, 0, [2, 4])