Column Configuration

Header - Provide a custom name to the column header.

Hide - Hides the column

Editable - Allows the editing of the cell pertaining to the column.

Sortable - Allows the user to sort the table according to the selected column

Filterable - Allows the user to filter the table according to the selected column

Horiz Align - Aligns the contents of the column.

Vert Align - Aligns the contents of the column.

Wrap Text? - The text will wrap if its contents are longer than the width of the cell.

Prefix - A custom text that proceeds the contents of each cell.

Suffix - A custom text that follows the contents of each cell.

Number Format - A format of the cell is the contents of the cell are number types.

Date Format - A format of the cell is the contents of the cell are date types.

Boolean - Changes the contents of the cell to reflect a 'check box' look and feel.