Tag Attributes


Tags have many attributes that define how the tag is configured. This are often referred to when creating tags using the system.tag.addTag and system.tag.editTag scripting functions. See below for the complete list of attributes.


Value Object
Name String
Quality DataQuality
Enabled Boolean
AccessRights AccessRightsType
OPCServer String
OPCItemPath String
OPCWriteBackServer String
OPCWriteBackItemPath String
ScaleMode Integer
RawLow Double
RawHigh Double
ScaledLow Double
ScaledHigh Double
ClampMode Integer
Deadband Double
FormatString String
EngUnit String
Tooltip String
EngHigh Double
EngLow Double
Documentation String
Expression String
ExpressionType Integer
AlertMode Integer
AlertAckMode Integer
AlertSendClear Integer
AlertMessageMode Integer
AlertMessage String
AlertNotes String
AlertDisplayPath String
AlertDeadband Double
LastChange Date.class
DriverName String
ScanClass String.class
PollRate PollingRate.class
SQLBindingDatasource String
PrimaryHistoryProvider String
HistoricalDeadband Double
HistoryEnabled Boolean
HistoricalScanclass String
InterpolationMode Integer
AlertExecEnabled Boolean
AlertActive Boolean
AlertCurrentState String
AlertCurrentSeverity Integer
AlertAcknowledged Boolean
AlertAcknowledgeUser String
AlertActiveTime Date
AlertAcknowledgedTime Date
AlertClearedTime Date
AlertTimestampSource Integer
AlertMessageSubject String
HistoryTimestampSource Integer
HistoryMaxAgeMode Integer
HistoryMaxAge Integer
DataType DataType.class
TagTypeSubCode Integer
TagType Integer
UDTParentType String
ExtendedProperties PropertySet
PropertyOverrides OverrideMap
UDTMemberUID String.class
AlarmActiveUnackCount Integer
AlarmActiveAckCount Integer
ScaleFactor Double
EngLimitMode Integer
AlarmClearUnackCount Integer
AlarmHighestUnackPriority Integer
AlarmHighestUnackName String
AlarmHighestAckName String
AlarmHighestAckPriority Integer
DeadbandMode Integer
HistoricalDeadbandMode Integer