EAM in the Designer

The Enterprise Administration Module provides a lot of information about agents inside the Designer that allow you to search agent information to see the status of an agent and history of tasks using tags, binding functions, and scripting functions. Anything you want to know about an agent can be found using EAM in the Designer.

Agent System Tags

System Tags are created on the controller for each agent, allowing you to build EAM monitoring clients, set alarms on individual Tags, and many other Tag-related operations. To view EAM Tags, launch a Designer on the controller Gateway. In the Tag Browser, navigate to System > Gateway > EAM > Agents. A Tag folder is created for each agent. As with other system Tag values, all EAM system Tag values are read-only.


Property Binding Functions

The EAM adds its own binding functions to the standard property binding functions, allowing you to quickly add agent information to a component such as a table. The following binding functions are available:

  • Agent Status: reports some basic information about each agent, such as platform version, connection status, and the last time a message was received from the agent.

  • Agent History: reports agent events from the the agent_events table in the controller’s configured database. Agent events include G ateway task results, abnormal health statistics, and agent communication status events.


Scripting Functions

There are several scripting functions that are included in the system.eam package:

More details and examples can be found in the system.eam section of the Appendix.


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