IP Camera Viewer



Component Palette Icon:



The IP camera viewing component displays a video stream from a network camera directly in one of your windows. This can be a very powerful tool for allowing operators to view remote or inaccessible locations. Cameras can provide positive feedback about the state and position of machinery, weather, and other factors.

This component is capable of displaying two types of video:

  • MJPEG (a.k.a. Motion JPEG) is a streaming video protocol that compresses video frames using standard JPEG compression. Compression rates are quite good, requiring low network bandwidth utilization. Framerates depend greatly on the dimensions of the video, but typically range from 1-20 frames per second.

  • JPEG stills is not a true video protocol, but is rather the practice of continually refreshing an image that a camera is constantly overwriting. Its simplicity means that many cameras support it (usually along with another protocol). Frame rates are typically lower than MJPEG because a new connection must be opened for each frame.

Most network cameras on the market support one, if not both of these protocols. Even better, if you have an existing CCTV camera system, video server devices are available that CCTV camera inputs and provide MJPEG streams the network.

Finding the URL for your network camera's video stream is usually the only challenge in connecting this component. Most, if not all, network cameras have an internal web server, allowing viewers to use web browsers to view their video stream. If you go to that webpage, and look at the HTML source of the page, you should be able to find the URL of the MJPEG or JPEG still stream.

High Resolution Streams

When viewing a feed from a High Resolution camera, the Camera Buffer Size property may need to be increased to contain all of the data from the stream.

Some examples:

Axis 2100 (MJPEG)
Panasonic BL-C10A (MJPEG)
StarDot Netcam (JPEG stills)





Property Type



Background Color

The background color of the component.





The border surrounding this component. NOTE that the border is unaffected by rotation.




Camera Buffer Size

Set the size of the video buffer in bytes.




Connection Retries

The number of times to attempt to connect to the stream.





The mouse cursor to use when hovering over this component.





Font of text of this component




Foreground Color

The foreground color of the component.




Mouseover Text

The text that is displayed in the tooltip which pops up on mouseover of this component.





The name of this component.





The password to authenticate with.




Refresh Rate

The rate (in ms) to poll the image if mode is 'JPEG Stills'




Retry Delay

The delay (in ms) to wait between connection attempts




Scale Mode

The scaling performance hint to use.




Scale Video

Scale the video to the size of the viewer component. Warning: CPU-intensive.




Show Stats

If true, fps and Kbps statistical information will be overlaid on the video.





The HTTP URL of the video stream to display




Use Authentication?

If true, the URL connection will try to authenticate using the given username and password.





If non-empty, the HTTP User-Agent to spoof.





The username to authenticate with.




Video Mode

Choose what type of video stream the URL points to.





If disabled, the component will be hidden.




Scripting Functions

This component does not have scripting functions associated with it.

Extension Functions

This component does not have extension functions associated with it.

Event Handlers



This event signifies a mouse click on the source component. A mouse click the combination of a mouse press and a mouse release, both of which must have occurred over the source component. Note that this event fires after the pressed and released events have fired.


The component that fired this event


The code for the button that caused this event to fire.


The number of mouse clicks associated with this event.


The x-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


The y-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


Returns True (1) if this mouse event is a popup trigger. What constitutes a popup trigger is operating system dependent, which is why this abstraction exists.


True (1) if the Alt key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Control key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Shift key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


This event fires when the mouse enters the space over the source component.


The component that fired this event


The code for the button that caused this event to fire.


The number of mouse clicks associated with this event.


The x-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


The y-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


Returns True (1) if this mouse event is a popup trigger. What constitutes a popup trigger is operating system dependent, which is why this abstraction exists.


True (1) if the Alt key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Control key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Shift key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


This event fires when the mouse leaves the space over the source component.


The component that fired this event


The code for the button that caused this event to fire.


The number of mouse clicks associated with this event.


The x-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


The y-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


Returns True (1) if this mouse event is a popup trigger. What constitutes a popup trigger is operating system dependent, which is why this abstraction exists.


True (1) if the Alt key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Control key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Shift key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


This event fires when a mouse button is pressed down on the source component.


The component that fired this event


The code for the button that caused this event to fire.


The number of mouse clicks associated with this event.


The x-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


The y-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


Returns True (1) if this mouse event is a popup trigger. What constitutes a popup trigger is operating system dependent, which is why this abstraction exists.


True (1) if the Alt key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Control key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Shift key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


This event fires when a mouse button is released, if that mouse button's press happened over this component.


The component that fired this event


The code for the button that caused this event to fire.


The number of mouse clicks associated with this event.


The x-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


The y-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


Returns True (1) if this mouse event is a popup trigger. What constitutes a popup trigger is operating system dependent, which is why this abstraction exists.


True (1) if the Alt key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Control key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Shift key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.



Fires when the mouse moves over a component after a button has been pushed.


The component that fired this event


The code for the button that caused this event to fire.


The number of mouse clicks associated with this event.


The x-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


The y-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


Returns True (1) if this mouse event is a popup trigger. What constitutes a popup trigger is operating system dependent, which is why this abstraction exists.


True (1) if the Alt key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Control key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Shift key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


Fires when the mouse moves over a component, but no buttons are pushed.


The component that fired this event


The code for the button that caused this event to fire.


The number of mouse clicks associated with this event.


The x-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


The y-coordinate (with respect to the source component) of this mouse event.


Returns True (1) if this mouse event is a popup trigger. What constitutes a popup trigger is operating system dependent, which is why this abstraction exists.


True (1) if the Alt key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Control key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.


True (1) if the Shift key was held down during this event, false (0) otherwise.



Fires whenever a bindable property of the source component changes. This works for standard and custom (dynamic) properties.


The component that fired this event


The new value that this property changed to.


The value that this property was before it changed. Note that not all components include an accurate oldValue in their events.


The name of the property that changed. NOTE: remember to always filter out these events for the property that you are looking for! Components often have many properties that change.


This component does not have any custom properties.

IP Camera Viewer


Property Name


