Docked Windows - Axis Precedence and Dock Index

Docked Windows

Docked windows are locked to the edges of the Client and fill all the space on that edge. IE: West Docked fills the left side of the Client. Often you see clients with a West (left) and/or North (top) docked window bordering a single main window. This common navigation strategy gives you the flexibility to easily select windows without worrying about re-creating your navigation many times.

Having multiple docked windows means you need to decide how you want them to appear in relation to each other. For that, Ignition has 2 settings: Axis Precedence and Dock Index. Here is an example from the Single-Tier Nav, West & North Project Template.


To set a Window's Dock Position

  1. Select the window you want to dock in the Project Browser.

  2. Select the correct Dock Position value (North/South/East/West)


  3. Set the Open on Startup option using the open on startup icon images/download/thumbnails/6047778/WWW_Open_on_Startup_Icon.png (next to the window name) for each docked window that you want automatically opened. Note: logging in is the only way to activate the Open on Startup settings

  4. Don't forget to save your project.

  5. Open your Client or log out and back in to see the changes.

Docked Windows - Axis Precedence

When you have more than one docked window that share a corner, you can specify which window will take control over that corner.

To set the docked window Axis Precedence

  1. Go to Project > Properties.

  2. Select the Client > User Interface page.

  3. Select a value for the Docking > Axis Precedence drop-down. For example, if you choose North/South then North and South docked windows will take precedence or over the East and West windows.


  4. Save and Publish your project.

  5. Open your project in the Client.

Examples of Docked Windows

North/South Docking Axis Precedence


East/West Docking Axis Precedence


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