

Performs a write to a tag, synchronously. This means that you know at the end of this function whether or not the write succeeded or not. A write that fails or times out will throw an error. However, this function cannot be called from the event dispatch thread, which means that it cannot be called directly from a GUI event like a button press, without wrapping it in a system.util.invokeAsynchronous. You can call this from project event scripts like timer scripts.


system.tag. writeSynchronous( tagPath, value [, timeout] )

  • Parameters

String tagPath - The path of the tag to write to.

Object value - The value to write.

int timeout - How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out pending writes. The default is 45000 milliseconds. [optional]

  • Returns


  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#This code would write the value 1 to a tag. It will continue immediately on success or failure, or wait up to 38 seconds if the write is pending.
system.tag.writeSynchronous("Tags/T5", 1, 38000)
# This line will not be reached until the tag write succeeds, fails, or has been
# pending for at least 38 seconds.