

Returns a list of the most recent agent events


system.eam.getAgentEvents(groupIds, agentIds, startDate, endDate, limit)

  • Parameters

List groupIds - A list of groups to restrict the results to. If not specified, all groups will be included.

List agentIds - A list of agent ids to restrict the results to. If not specified, all agents will be allowed.

Date startDate - The starting time for history events. If null, defaults to 8 hours previous to now.

Date endDate - The ending time for the query range. If null, defaults to "now".

int limit - The limit of results to return. Defaults to 100. A value of 0 means "no limit".

  • Returns

Dataset - A list of agent events, arranged by time ascending.

  • Scope


Code Snippet
for row in range(results.rowCount):
eventId=results.getValueAt(row, "id")
agentName=results.getValueAt(row, "agent_name")
agentRole=results.getValueAt(row, "agent_role")
eventTime=results.getValueAt(row, "event_time")
eventCategory=results.getValueAt(row, "event_category")
eventType=results.getValueAt(row, "event_type")
eventSource=results.getValueAt(row, "event_source")
eventLevel=results.getValueAt(row, "event_level")
eventLevelInt=results.getValueAt(row, "event_level_int")
message=results.getValueAt(row, "message")