

Opens the file found at path filename , and reads the entire file. Returns the file as a string. Common things to do with this string would be to load it into the text property of a component, upload it to a database table, or save it to another file using system.file.writeFile function.


system.file. readFileAsString( filepath )

  • Parameters

String filepath - The path of the file to read.

  • Returns

String - The contents of the file as a string.

  • Scope



system.file. readFileAsString( filepath, encoding )

  • Parameters

String filepath - The path of the file to read.

String encoding - The character encoding of the file to be read. Will throw an exception if the string does not represent a supported encoding. Common encodings are "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1" and "US-ASCII".

  • Returns

String - The contents of the file as a string.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#This code would prompt the user to choose a text file. If the user chooses a file, it would then set a text area on the screen to display the file.
path = system.file.openFile("txt")
if path != None:
contents = system.file.readFileAsString(path)
event.source.parent.getComponent("Text Area").text = contents