

Runs an query through the store and forward system and to multiple datasources at the same time.


system.db. runSFUpdateQuery( query, datasources )

  • Parameters

String query - A query (typically an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE) to run.

String[] datasources - List of datasources to run the query through.

  • Returns

Boolean - Returns true if successful and false if not.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#Example 1: Run through single datasource
print system.db.runSFUpdateQuery("INSERT INTO recipes (name, sp1, sp2, sp3) VALUES ('A Name', 1032, 234, 1)", ["MySQLDatasource"])
Code Snippet
#Example 2: Run through 2 datasources
print system.db.runSFUpdateQuery("INSERT INTO recipes (name, sp1, sp2, sp3) VALUES ('A Name', 1032, 234, 1)", ["MySQLDatasource", "SQLServerDatasource"])