

Enables or disables an OPC server connection.


system.opc.setServerEnabled ( serverName, enabled )

  • Parameters

String serverName - The name of an OPC server connection.

Boolean enabled - The new state the connection should be set to: true to enable the connection, false to disable.

  • Returns

No return value.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#The following will iterate through all configured OPC servers, and check if they are enabled or disabled
#If a OPC server is disabled, the code will enable it with a call to setServerEnabled
#This code interacts in the client scope, so it should be placed on a component, such as a Button.
#Retrieve a list of all servers in the gateway
allServers = system.opc.getServers()
#Initialize a message. The empty string is initially used so that the value may be checked later.
message = ""
#Iterate through each server.
for server in allServers:
#for each server, call isServerEnabled. Uses Python's "not" operator to check if a False value is returned.
if not system.opc.isServerEnabled(server):
#If disabled, then enable the server
system.opc.setServerEnabled(server, True)
#append details about the state change we made to the message variable
message += "%s \n" % (server)
#Check to see if any changes were made. If the length (len()) of the message is less than 1 character, then a change wasn't made.
if len(message) < 1:
#Notify the user that the code did not make any changes
system.gui.messageBox("No servers were modified")
#Otherwise, let the user know which servers we enabled.
system.gui.messageBox("The following servers were modified:\n" + message)