

Writes the given data to the file at file path filename . If the file exists, the append argument determines whether or not it is overwritten (the default) or appended to. The data argument can be either a string or an array of bytes (commonly retrieved from a BLOB in a database or read from another file using system.file.readFileAsBytes ).


system.file. writeFile( filepath, data [, append] )

  • Parameters

String filepath - The path of the file to write to.

byte[] data - The binary content to write to the file.

boolean append - If true(1), the file will be appended to if it already exists. If false(0), the file will be overwritten if it exists. The default is false(0). [optional]

  • Returns

  • Scope



system.file. writeFile( filepath, charData [, append] )

  • Parameters

String filepath - The path of the file to write to.

String charData - The character content to write to the file.

boolean append - If true(1), the file will be appended to if it already exists. If false(0), the file will be overwritten if it exists. The default is false(0). [optional]

  • Returns

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
#This code would download a BLOB from a database and save it to a file.
resultSet = system.db.runQuery("SELECT file_data FROM Files WHERE id=12")
if len(resultSet) > 0: # if the query returned anything...
data = resultSet[0][0] # grab the BLOB at the 0th row and 0th column
filename = system.file.saveFile("")
if filename != None:
system.file.writeFile(filename, data)
Code Snippet
#This code would write the contents of a text area to a file.
data = event.source.parent.getComponent("Text Area").text
filename = system.file.saveFile("MyDownloadedFile.txt")
if filename != None:
system.file.writeFile(filename, data)