

Issues a Select-And-Operate command to set an analog value in an analog output point.


system.dnp3.directOperateAnalog(deviceName, index, value, [variation])

  • Parameters

String deviceName-The name of the DNP3 device driver.

Integer index-The index of the object to be modified in the outstation.

Numeric value-The analog value that is requested (of type int, short, float, or double).

Integer variation-The DNP3 object variation to use in the request.

  • Returns

The DNP3 status code of the response, as an integer.

  • Scope


Code Examples
# This example shows setting the analog output at index 0 to the
# Double value 3.14
system.dnp3.directOperateAnalog("Dnp3", 0, 3.14)
# This example shows setting the analog output at index 2 to the
# Integer value 300
system.dnp3.directOperateAnalog("Dnp3", 2, 300)
# This example shows setting the analog output at index 15 to the
# Short value 33. The value sent in the request is converted
# for the object variation, 2.
system.dnp3.directOperateAnalog("Dnp3", 15, 33.3333, variation=2)
# This example shows setting the analog output at index 1 to the
# Float value 15.0. The value sent in the request is converted
# for the object variation, 3.
system.dnp3.directOperateAnalog("Dnp3", index=1, value=15, variation=3)