

Returns a list of PyOPCTag objects for the given server. The PyOPCTag has the following methods to retrieve information:

getDisplayName() - returns the display name of the object

getElementType() - returns the element type. Element types are server, device, view, folder, object, datavariable, property and method.

getServerNodeId() - returns a string representing the server node ID


system.opc. browseServer( opcServer, nodeId )

  • Parameters

String opcServer - The name of the OPC server connection.

String nodeId - The node ID to browse.

  • Returns

List - A list of PyOPCTag objects.

  • Scope


Code Examples
Code Snippet
# Print the name of all devices on Ignition OPC-UA
opcServer="Ignition OPC-UA Server"
nodeId = "Devices"
devices = system.opc.browseServer(opcServer, nodeId)
for device in devices:
print device.getDisplayName()