

Issues a Select-And-Operate command for digital control operations at binary output points (CROB).


system.dnp3.selectOperateBinary(deviceName, indexes, opType, tcCode, count, onTime, offTime)

  • Parameters

String deviceName - The name of the DNP3 device driver.

List indexes - A list of indexes of the objects to be modified in the outstation.

Integer opType - The type of operation. 0=NUL, 1=PULSE_ON, 2=PULSE_OFF, 3=LATCH_ON, 4=LATCH_OFF

Integer tcCode - The Trip-Close code, used in conjunction with the opType. 0=NUL, 1=CLOSE, 2=TRIP

Integer count - The number of times the outstation shall execute the operation.

Integer onTime - The duration that the output drive remains active, in millis.

Integer offTime - The duration that the output drive remains non-active, in millis.

  • Returns

The DNP3 status code of the response, as an integer.

  • Scope


Code Examples
# This example shows latching on 3 binary output points with the Select-And-Operate command.
latch = system.dnp3.LATCH_ON
system.dnp3.selectOperateBinary("Dnp3", [0, 1, 2], latch)
# This example shows setting a binary output point at index 3 to pulse at 5 second intervals
# with the Select-And-Operate command.
pulse = system.dnp3.PULSE_ON
trip = system.dnp3.TRIP
system.dnp3.selectOperateBinary("Dnp3", [3], pulse, trip, count=2, onTime=5000, offTime=5000)